
I’ve written so many letters to the Russian Consulate in Toronto (Russian Embassy in Canada website is closed down as I write this), the Canadian Government, the Alberta provincial Government, and sent money to the Ukrainian Red Cross and yet; I  know this is not enough. The unwarranted aggression towards a European democracy is an affront to all free democratically elected states around the world. Putin and  the leadership of the Russian people in a word, “disgust” me. There is no diplomatic solution to this illegal invasion of the Ukraine when they are holding a gun to your head. There is no diplomatic solution when the Russians are bombing the so called humanitarian corridors and the innocent citizens of the Ukraine desperately trying to find safety. There is no diplomatic solution when the Russians are shelling and killing innocent civilians in hospitals, schools, nurseries, and suburbs while at the so-called negotiation table with their counter parts from the Ukraine. There are no words that do justice to describe this behaviour.  

Putin and the leadership of Russia will go down in the annals of history as war criminals for the flagrant disregard and abuse towards humanity. Putin can try to “spin” this as a “special operation” when it is in fact a war on a peaceful country.  Throughout history we have seen insane despots try to control the lives of not only their own people but those of other states. As I write this anti-war demonstrators in Russia are being arrested and taken to jail for chanting, “Peace.” Putin’s Russia has enacted a brutal crackdown on the media and has suppressed public discord. Putin’s grandiose illusions of a great and all powerful Russian confederation no longer makes sense nor is it doable in today’s world. Today’s global population are highly mobile and connected to their fellow humans on the planet. Many of today’s global population recognize and acknowledge that we humans are on borrowed time and that we are brothers and sisters of a common origin. The Russian people need to rise up and confront their leaders in the most demonstrative way telling them to STOP this invasion of the Ukraine NOW; that they the leaders of Russia will repay their evil deeds perpetrated on the Ukranian people by repairing the Ukrainian infrastructure from their own pocket books. That is to say that the Russian people will also pay for repairing the Ukrainian infrastructure because of their duplicity in this illegal act of war.

I’m not mincing words here nor will I “pussy foot” around what I see occurring in the Ukraine. Vladimir Putin and his followers are the lowest form of human life. They don’t deserve to enjoy the pleasures of life on earth nor the freedoms we in the Western world cherish so dearly. They deserve to be locked up in a cell and isolated from all human contact for the rest of their lives. That will give them plenty of time to think about their actions and the lives they’ve needlessly destroyed. If we were back in the Middle Ages I think you know how’d we’d have dealt with the likes of them. Their siege of the cities and towns in the Ukraine has been nothing short of medieval in nature.

I sincerely hope and pray that Vladimir Putin and all his followers will be formally charged with war crimes in the International Court of Law, and that they will be removed one way or another from our planet. They don’t deserve to be members of the human race. They lack all common decency and morals. 

Quote:  “Evil is prevalent and vehement.”   Netflix Series  Vincenzo




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